Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Happy Wednesday

Happy Wednesday everyone!  Today the weather was beautiful.  It was more like a spring day rather than fall.  Auntie Julie doesn't work on Wednesday so we got to go for a nice long walk in the afternoon.  My cousin went first (because he can't walk as far, we go separately) and he walked to the arboretum.  Then, I got to go to the pond!  It is one of my favorite places.  Here we are! (it seems many of pictures involve me yelling, because it takes Auntie Julie so long to get a good one that I get impatient.  She says it is because I don't cooperate or stop moving long enough, but at least I looked at the camera, unlike my cousin!)


  1. Cooper, you are a gifted writer - keep doing this blog - it's great! Tell Auntie Julie she's a great photographer!

  2. Coopie, you're going to need to practice being patient! Maybe if you had a treat to sit for? Also, looks like you borrowed your cousins collar. Hopefully someone doesn't mistake you for Rupert!!!

    1. Oh yes, I got to use the retractable so I could lag behind and smell stuff, but still couldn't run ahead
