Saturday, January 30, 2016

My mum's home!

I couldn't post this on Thursday, because I was afraid my Mum would check my blog and it would ruin the surprise.  In preparation for her return, my cousin and I got baths, had our teeth brushed and put on our best clothes.  Rupert let me borrow his outfit because I wanted to be really fancy for when my Mum got home.  It's been nice having quality time with Auntie Julie but I missed my Mum so much and it's so good to have her home.  Here we are, all fancy.  Don't we look handsome :)

Thursday, January 21, 2016

My coat

Yesterday, Auntie Julie got home late from babysitting.  Grandma had been nice enough to walk us in the afternoon, and I apparently had not repaid the favor.  Auntie Julie was confused because when she got home, I was still wearing my winter coat!  Now if you know me, and some of you may, I don't particularly like wearing my coat so the fact that I still had it on was baffling.  Apparently, I hadn't been very cooperative when Grandma tried to take it off.  I ran away when we got back from our walk (inside, not outside), got into bed then stared at her when she tried to get close.  She decided it wasn't worth fighting me so alas, I was in my winter coat (which makes it sound like I'm walking in a diaper) for several hours.  I was kind of ashamed when Auntie Julie got home...

Monday, January 18, 2016

My friend Mauricio

On Saturday, I got to visit with my friend Mauricio.  He came to my house and we snuggled while he played cards with my Auntie.  It was a wonderful evening, except we got to talking and discussed whether my Mum is eating dog while in China!?!  I certainly hope not, that would be very disturbing to me:(  Here I am with my friend!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

walk time with Grandma

Today, Auntie Julie worked and Grandma was nice enough to take us out.  Auntie Julie joined us after she got home and I was so excited to see her that I was flying like superman!  Here I am below with my cousin and Grandma.  It was so nice that we didn't have to wear our boots or coats!

Friday, January 15, 2016


Hello again,
My mum has left on another vacation so I've decided to start blogging a bit again.  I hope she's having a great time in China.  She picked the perfect time to leave because now Auntie Julie is left to put our boots and coats on for walks.  Here I am with my boots last night.  They're terrible.  You'll notice that the sliding door was closed behind me otherwise I run back to bed and hide.