Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Getting Chilly!

Oh boy!  I've been remiss in my posting but better late than never!  It's getting chilly here, and I hear it's cooled down (to a brisk 90) where my Mum is too!  Our walks have gotten a bit shorter, and I've been snuggling some with my cousin (as you can tell below).  Usually I growl at him if he tries to get into the same bed as me, which I still do sometimes, but I am more consistently joining him.  We stay warmer that way, which we have to do as my auntie doesn't turn the heat on!  I'm getting excited for my Mum to come visit!  Just a bit over a month now :)

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone.  I hope you all had a fun time dressing up or celebrating.  I saw that my mum got dressed up and had a lovely time in Qatar.  I didn't dress up myself (thank goodness! My costume was at Grandma's house) but I had a lovely fall walk this morning with Auntie Julie. Here I am with the fall foliage! I know I'm moving in the second picture but like it all the same.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Happy Wednesday

Happy Wednesday everyone!  Today the weather was beautiful.  It was more like a spring day rather than fall.  Auntie Julie doesn't work on Wednesday so we got to go for a nice long walk in the afternoon.  My cousin went first (because he can't walk as far, we go separately) and he walked to the arboretum.  Then, I got to go to the pond!  It is one of my favorite places.  Here we are! (it seems many of pictures involve me yelling, because it takes Auntie Julie so long to get a good one that I get impatient.  She says it is because I don't cooperate or stop moving long enough, but at least I looked at the camera, unlike my cousin!)

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The BAA half...and my friend Harv

Over the weekend, I went and cheered on one of my best friends Harv at the BAA half marathon.  I like Harv because he doesn't get mad when I bite his legs...and he's delicious!  There were so many people running it, and I felt lucky that I could walk over to cheer them on.  The picture is of me cheering for everyone in the background.  I'll have more updates from my weekend later, as it was my Grandma's, cousin's and Uncle Kevin's birthday but I don't want to overwhelm you.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Lovely Weekend

We had a lovely weekend!  Yesterday was rainy so we didn't do very much but today was a beautiful fall day!  We went to the arboretum for a nice long walk.  My cousin even made it the whole way!  We're relaxing now since we're tuckered out.  Here we are, looking adorable!

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Oh hello there.  I am just working on my blog post.  I started it yesterday and am finishing it up today.  We had a lovely weekend in Acton, and got to see Pop Pop!  He has been away and I missed him dearly (although not as much as I miss my mum!).  Today, I went to the arboretum but forgot my phone so I didn't get any pictures.  It is toasty out, but Auntie Julie says it's good practice for Qatar, which is muchhhh toastier (106 degrees there today at 5PM!)  I hope everyone has a lovely week!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

My mum is gone

My mum has left me (temporarily) so I'm starting up my blog again.  So far it has been uneventful.  It has been raining, and Auntie Julie has been working but tonight we watched the season finale of Big Brother!! The picture is of me sleeping during the boring recap parts but I perked up at the end!  (Well I didn't but Auntie Julie did...we won't ruin the end don't worry).  Stay tuned for more adventures while I am once again, on my staycation.