Saturday, September 12, 2015

I had such a good day today!  I didn't get too many pictures but I went to JP music fest and made some new friends.  I behaved so well I shocked auntie Julie.  I even made new people friends in line for the bathroom!!  It was a beautiful day where I really enjoyed being outside:). My cousin came too but had to wear his special leash since he kept barking at other dogs.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Today, my cousin and I helped Grandma paint the porch floor!  We are so helpful, no wonder we get to live there for free!
Also, you can see the little corner Grandma made for me so I'd have my private space.  She is so thoughtful!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Today was very hot.  I spent some time on the mudroom floor, which felt cooler.  I think maybe I was mad at Grandma though because I kept doing this when she came looking for me.  I wouldn't make any eye contact with her but now I seem OK.  I've been asking where my mum is for the past few days but I still haven't found her.  Does anyone know?

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

This morning I was so excited because Auntie Julie told us we had a new friend!  I wanted to go meet him/her but Auntie Julie said she didn't think this was the kind of friend we should hang out with so she went out without us!  What a let down.  Grandma explained that this kind of friend is too "fresh" to hang out with.  Here's his picture.  Auntie Julie was nice/brave enough to go and release him from the trap:

Later, I was hanging out in the mudroom because the painters are on the porch and my cousin came to keep me company!  I'm not sure his motives were pure though, because he definitely ate some of my food.  Later, he had to be stuck in the kitchen because he kept licking one of the painters!  So embarrassing.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Today, my cousin and I did this

 Which then led to this:

That is all for today.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Today I got to see my friend Mauricio!  He came to surprise my auntie for their anniversary and I got to play with them!  It was the perfect ending to a good day!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Today was OK.  I had to be leashed for a while because the painters were here and I kept barking.  But we went on a nice walk and I'm enjoying my dinner as I write this.  I was even well behaved and didn't beg at the dinner table.  I stayed right on the edge of the porch:)